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Originally it was Randy Savage. Other mentions go to Hogan, Brutus, Warrior, ^^surfer Sting, Road warriors...hated Ric Flair with a passion, that drove me on, haha!

Then stopped watching mid 90's for a short time untill just before Wrestlemania 12. Shawn and Bret killed it, then Stone Cold became my favourite ever. 3:16 MF's!
Bret Hart for me, the guy was amazing back in the day!

After not having Sky for a long time after this period (we used to go to our friends and watch wrestling during this era) I started watching again when Kane was in his prime, mask 'n all and he got me hooked again, thought the whole Mask gimmick was brilliant and really hope it comes back.

The co-orporation era and Austin kept me interested massively and IMO was the best it's ever been in that time.

Triple H would be my modern day favorite I would say and since he's been out of the picture for a while I would say my interest has waned a little, dunno why I just struggle to see anyone who has the same impact as the guys mentioned above had in their Prime. Maybe it's the gimmicks and storylines!
One of the earliest memories of wrestling was when Kane fought the Brood in a handicap match, and afterwards he started pouring gasoline on them and then started slamming the refs and piling them up and poured gasoline on them too. Back then when I was a kid I really thought he was going to set them on fire!

So definitely KANE is the wrestler that got me interested and I've been a fan ever since!
First time I became interested in WWE was when I played Smackdown! on Ps1 at a friends house. The first match that I remember watching was TLC II at Wrestle Mania 17, and The Hardys were the ones that stood out to me I loved the whole extreme thing they had going. They're still my favourite tag team to this day, but more Jeff Hardy as my favourite wrestler. I still watch him when I can on TNA, and I have all his DVD's etc.
The Rock. It was 1999 when I started watching, everyone at school was talking about him, I just had to see what it was all about.
My Dad introduced me to wrestling at an early age. People that kept me interested were Razor Ramon, MR Perfect, Randy Savage, Bret Hart, British Bulldog and The Undertaker.
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I forgot to say, it was all about Jake 'the Snake' Roberts' DDT finisher when I first discovered WWF in the early 90s. Back then, his DDT was the deadliest move in the business. I used to get so frustrated when he'd hit it but then delay pinning the opponent, as he was booked to lose most of the time, so he'd mooch about and let them recover. I used to scream at the TV for him to go for the pin.

Of course, I also believed that the title matches were real back then (this is what my older cousins told me) and seemingly had absolute proof of the realness of it all when I saw Million Dollar Man hit Dustin Rhodes (sitting at ringside to watch his dad's match) with a chair and make him bleed. That blood was my proof wrestling was real. Hahahahahahahahaha.
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